Christ Ambassadors

Assemblies of God, the largest Pentecostal movement in the world was formed in United States in 1914. From the beginning the church acknowledged the part of the youths for evangelization of the world. Now Assemblies of God is present in 123 countries.

In 1924 Pentecostal Youth for Christ was formed for the harmonization of the different youth ministries. Later it enlarged its ministries and changed as Christ Ambassadors. Christ Ambassadors has made enormous contribution towards the evangelization of the world.

Youth and Sunday school ministries were lively even in the beginning of the Assemblies of God in Kerala. But at the arrival of the missionary A. E. Sorbo accelerated the youth ministry and “Christ Ambassadors” has gained an organized formation. In 1951 the District Conference has discussed about the significance of the youth ministry. In 1954 Rev. A. E. Sorbo was appointed as the Christ Ambassador’s Counselor. In the same year Pastor M. Johnson, Vizhavoor appointed as the President of CA. In 1956 the by laws were discussed and approved and conducted the first election. Pastor P. D. Johnson, Pastor M. C. Jacob, Mr. L. Sam and Mr. John Thomas were elected as the President, vice president, secretary and treasurer respectively. “Christ for All and All for Christ” is the theme of this movement. From then onwards the Christ Ambassadors of the Assemblies of God Malayalam District Council has got potential leadership.

Moving towards the seventh decade, Christ Ambassadors has cherishing the legacy of historic contribution to the progress of Assemblies of God. This movement has raised many Christian leaders, evangelists and pastors who have played vital role in the evangelization and mission in India and abroad. Christ Ambassadors has initiated many programs from the FAG church for developing the youngsters and focusing the spiritual growth of our young generation Christ Ambassadors conducting youth camps and seminars.

At CA we believe that one of the reasons why we Christians remain on this earth is to share the Gospel with the unsaved around us.

-Many Christian students feel they lack the confidence, feel they cannot deal with the rejection or simply just do not know what to do.

-At CA we want to give you the skills you require to go out there and share your faith confidently without fear or shame.

-Romans 10:14 – 15

-How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?

-And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”.